Follow our tips below to revive and save your cactus.
How To Save A Dying Cactus
Use this simple, step-by-step guide to try to revive/save your dying cactus.
1. Change Watering Habits
Properly watering a cactus can end up being a bit complicated. You will be able to tell if a cactus is dehydrated when it turns soft and appears either purple or violet. When untreated, the cactus can wrinkle, causing the branches to droop.
An overwatered cactus can show these same signs. It’s recommended to use potted soil to ensure the cactus has enough drainage space. A cactus will only need water if the top two inches are entirely dried out. You will know the cactus is receiving sufficient sunlight when the water drains from the holes.
2. Adjust Sunlight Exposure
It’s no secret that cacti thrive with a combination of bright light and heat. The cactus will begin to droop when it does not receive an appropriate amount of both. Try using some artificial sunlight to keep your cactus happy during the winter months. An indoor cactus should do just fine during both the spring and summer.
3. Pest Control
Mealybugs and woodlice are white pests that will take juice from a cactus. A large amount of feeding pests present can cause the cactus to droop. The good news is mealybugs are quite easy to eradicate by hand. You can also take some preventative steps by rinsing the cactus with a mix of liquid dish soap and water.
Try to avoid any direct sunlight exposure at this time, if possible. This could take several efforts since repeated applications are necessary to remove the mealybugs that have hatched recently.
4. Cut Off Rotting Parts
If you notice parts of your cactus ultimately rotting away, this is an indication of overwatering. Any present black or brown spots should be cut away immediately.
Following this, you can then decide whether or not you wish to re-pot the plant or wait until the existing soil has dried completely. Follow this exact mixture if you choose to re-pot the plant: one part peat, two parts coarse sand, and two parts garden soil.
5. Rinse Away Dust And Dirt
Dust and dirt that is on your cactus could be preventing it from receiving the sunlight it needs. Run a rag or a soft sponge over the cactus to rinse away any dust or dirt. Lightly running the faucet over your cactus could work as well. Use a hose for an outdoor cactus.
Always use a low-nitrogen fertilizer when growing the plant. Choose a solution featuring a nitrogen rating of 10 and never use a mixture with an excess amount of nitrogen.
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