Phoenix Valley residents can make their properties stand out this holiday season by wrapping their palm trees with Christmas lights. This is no easy task, though, so follow our step-by-step guide below!
How To Wrap Your Palm Tree With Christmas Lights
Before starting this task, it’s crucial to have the necessary materials/supplies on hand. Ensure you have a staple gun, ladder, outdoor extension cord, and a helper. Carefully follow these next few steps to wrap your palm tree properly and safely.
Safety Measures
Your safety and the safety of the palm tree are paramount. Use these quick safety tips below:
- Never over staple the strands of light. If your strands need to be stapled, it’s suggested to use as few staples as possible. Palm trees can become damaged due to heavy use of a staple gun.
- Always use outdoor light strands and extension cords for this project. Refrain from piercing the insulation on the wires when stapling.
- DO NOT handle the strands while they are plugged in. This could ultimately lead to serious shock, especially when stapling the strands.
Buy The Correct Light Strands
Always use brown cords for the light strands you’ll be wrapping around the tree. This color helps to hide the wires, making your lights more noticeable. LED lighting can cut down on your power consumption while still staying bright. LED is the safe and energy-efficient option for Christmas lighting.
Make sure to read the lighting package for outdoor ratings. If the lights are not rated for outdoor use, do not use them around your palm tree.
Wrap The Lights Around The Tree
Start by making coiled balls of the light strands, which makes them easier to handle. You will now be able to let them unwind as you go around the palm. Start wrapping at the base of the palm, winding your way up the tree.
If the light strands slip at any point, use a light duty staple gun to secure them in place. Make sure to straddle the wire and not shoot through it with the staple gun. Remain cautious with the staple gun because this task can become a fire hazard. A ladder and helper will be necessary at this stage of the task.
Lighting The Fronds
After you have wrapped the tree to your liking, you may choose to decorate the fronds or leaves on top of the tree. Doing so can be quite a tricky process, so follow all the safety precautions.
If you choose to light the fronds, you can run the lights down the frond, securing them with the use of twist ties. Choose to light the fronds that are easiest to reach.
Proper Power Source
ONLY use an extension cord that is rated for use outdoors. These cords are designed to withstand any harsh weather conditions.
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